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Why Manifesting Isn't Working For You

Feb 16, 2023

Let me guess..............

  • You have read the books
  • Done the meditations
  • Read and chanted the affirmations
  • Visualized and brought in the feeling


AND YET........the MANIFESTING MAGIC just hasn't happened?


Well, let's explore together why that is and what  you can actually do about it.

#1 Reason You Have Not MANIFESTED what you truly want

Have you actually released what is blocking your way?  Here is the thing, you are trying to manifest something because it is NOT CURRENTLY in your life......right?

Well, it is not currently in your life because it is BLOCKED from coming into your life.

 Read that again

It is as SIMPLE as that.....and as HARD as that.




Stay with me.......affirmations is a method of repeating a statement over and over  hoping that EVENTUALLY it will bring in the focus, intention and attention towards what you want.  Here is the thing you have things BLOCKING your way.

What are those things: 

  • Beliefs (thousands of them)
  • Subconscious understanding and truths of how the world works
  • Subconscious programs and paradigms that run your life
  • Fear

So let's be a little ridiculous here to prove the point of affirmations.  Let's say my affirmation statement, I AM statement.,...we have all heard of those is ....... I AM A MONKEY

What's in my way.....

  • I have 1000's of beliefs blocking this, such
    • I am a female
    • I am human
    • I cannot be a monkey
    • Being a monkey is too simple    etc etc etc

NOW YOU MAY THINK this is TOO FAR OUT THERE OF AN EXAMPLE........but it literally is the same thing if you were to do "I AM A MILLIONAIRE"   "I AM ABUNDANT"   

Your affirmations are literally bouncing off of all of your SUBCONSCIOUS BLOCKS.


This is why the way you have been taught to MANIFEST DOES NOT WORK.  Now, this is a super quick little chat about this.....there are so many other reasons why change is not happening in your life.  But what can you actually do about this??



You need to learn how to remove what is blocking you.....makes sense right?  If it's not in your life and you want it to be....well, now you know why it's not.

Here is the thing, the things that are blocking your life, were not intentionally created by you.  WHAT?  Yup!


  • Your beliefs of who and what your are 
  • Your truths about what is possible for your life
  • The fears
  • The self sabotage
  • The limitations

Are all held within your SUBCONSCIOUSNESS.  WHICH is below your awareness and were created well before you reached 10 years old. can learn how to access these blocks can learn how to create changes in your subconscious can learn how to shift the things that are blocking you can create and manifest different levels of health, well-being and aspects into your life.

 You just need to learn how............. 

Ask yourself these questions.....

What would you like to have different or change in your life?

How long have you been wanting it to be different or changed?

What can you do right now about it to be it into reality?

Only YOU can bring in the change into your life!  And please, stop looking outside of yourself...everything is within you....everything that needs to change.....everything that needs to order to right within you.




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