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Why are you sooooooo stuck?

bodymind frequency method Jan 26, 2023

It's that feeling isn't it?

Each time you try and do something that you are SUPPOSED it's like there is this invisible wall in your mind, your body and in your life.

You want to make changes in your literally KNOW THE STEPS to bring the change in....BUT to actually do it......NEVER seems to actually happen.

You don't know WHY YOU FEEL this way......all you say is "I feel stuck."


You Are Not Alone In Feeling This Way

Time and time again, I have people coming in my office feeling the same way.  For some, this feeling is new and has been impacting them for a few months.....for others well over a year and some we are talking YEARS.

They will say I don't even know what I want in my life anymore......I don't know what makes me happy.....I have lost a sense of fulfillment in my life.

I know I want something but I don't actually know what I want.


What Are The Three Top Causes Of Being Stuck


#1 You Have Lost Connection With Yourself

I see this happen time and time again, primarily in women.  Over the years, they have lost connection with their own inner truth, their own wants and needs and it what truly matters to them.   You wear many hats and operate many roles in your life every single day.  You likely spend most of your time reacting and interacting with the external world.  Whether that be people, your family, friends, doing errands, roles and responsibilities, watching tv, being on  your phone, Youtube, TikTok, Facebook......the list goes on and on.

Take a moment right now......and take a look at your day so much time have you spent just being with yourself.....not distracted, not attached to your phone, not giving your energy to another person or task....but just being with yourself.  If I was a betting woman, I would say most of you will say "does sleep count?"......and the answer is NO!


If you are not connected to will get lost in your own life.  We will get to the part soon about what you can actually do about this, I promise.


#2  You Just Haven't Learned How To Let Go

Letting go is something we don't necessary carve out time to do BUT it is so important.  If you are holding onto some of the following below, this will lead to feeling stuck.  Let's take a deeper look.


  • Old Disappointments
    • Whether this be in individuals, yourself, hope, dreams and the KILLER of all EXPECTATIONS if you are still holding onto these....they are weighting you down.
  • Past Versions Of Ourselves 
    • Perhaps you keep on thinking of a past you;  one that was skinner, freer, younger, more fun, had her shit together.....whatever version you are holding onto is robbing you of your JOY and FULFILLMENT.  If you are secretly saying I cannot be happy until I am like or have that again....this is just creating MUD on your life path.
  • Old Fears
  • Old Beliefs About Who You Are
  • Old Thoughts About What Makes You Happy
  • Comparing Your LIfe To Others 


#3  Waiting For The Right Time

 We will wait.....for the right time to do something about this.  But here is the thing....there is NEVER the right time.  It doesn't exist and this will get you stuck in being stuck over and over again.  This is the difference to being stuck for months vs being stuck for years.  Waiting for the RIGHT TIME is actually self-sabotage, it's letting those fears take over, it's holding on to a past version of yourself, your life etc to come back into play before SOMETHING can happen.


What does the RIGHT TIME look like for you?  What needs to HAPPEN to let you know that this is the RIGHT TIME for change?  What needs to come into ALIGNMENT for you to signal that this is the TIME to do something about being stuck?




You need to move or in my words SHIFT things in your life.  Those SHIFTS include everything we have been talking about:

  • Old paradigms of being
  • Deep subconsciousness beliefs that are self-sabotaging your life.
  • Past inners wounds that have created perspectives of yourself, your world and others that derail how you move through life



You have to go to the core where all of this is being held......and that is in your subconsciousness.  The trick it is below your awareness.  BodyMind Frequency Method  is a step by step protocol that clears, shifts this energy so you can see your way again.  This is a method that you can use every single day to support, nurture and create everything in your life.


Your subconsciousness holds everything about who  you are BUT it is below your awareness and that is what making changing is so hard.  Your subconsciousness RUNS 95% OF YOUR LIFE.  We explore this deeper in UNKNOWN OF WHO YOU ARE (coming soon).

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