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Intuition Do You Have It?

Apr 25, 2023


Let’s explore intuition together

What is it?  Do you have it? 

How does it really all work?


So, I am just going to dive right in here…….YOU ARE INTUITIVE.  Whether you realize it or not and yes, you were born this way.  But let’s take a deeper look at what intuition really is.    You use your five senses is receive information from your physical world but you also have SUBTLE senses.  Your subtle senses act in many ways very similar from your five senses except these senses are picking up information that is not TANGIBLY present in your physical world.



Let’s look at some examples:

You are meeting with a friend for a lunch, she is excited to see you.  Physically she is smiling, you hear the tone in her voice it sounds excited and happy BUT……you get this feeling like she’s not telling you something.  You get this sense that something doesn’t seem quite right.  Your five senses are telling you one thing (picking up from the physical ques) but your subtle senses are telling you a different story, different information.  Yes?


Now for most of us we are not directing our intuition.  Meaning we are just receiving information as it comes and for most of us we are not discerning what information is coming from our physical senses and what is coming from our subtle senses.  Over the last decade I have heard time and time again…”how can I develop my intuition?”  “how can I get my intuition to a place where I can trust what I receive?” “how can I strengthen my intuition?”  If you have ever asked yourself or someone else these questions well stick with me because we are going to explore each one.



How Can I Develop My Intuition?

When people ask this….what they are really looking for is a way, a method to actually direct their intuition. To be able to give a focus to a questions, a situation or perhaps a person. Meaning how to gain insight, information that they cannot get from their physical senses.  How to tap into the wealth of information that is constantly coming our way but just in a different form.  Being able to direct your intuition takes practice, it takes discernment and for most people it takes a structure in which to acquire this all.  That is why each and everyone of my BodyMind Frequency Practitioners quickly find themselves connecting deeper and being able to utilize their intuition to new levels because there is the structure.


Now, I am going to go a little bit deeper here into what stops most people from being about to direct their intuition and furthermore to trust it.

In all my years of experience I have come across one fundamental perception that stops people in their tracks to utilization and trust of their intuition and that is, they expect it to be experienced, to feel like, to be seen like, to be receive like their five physical senses…..and this is never the case.  We are so use to perceiving and associating everything we are, everything we know and everything we experience through the five sense reality.  It has been programmed within us since our first breathe in this lifetime.  But here is the reality, how to receive information and how it is perceive by you is very different from your physical senses.  Let’s explore this deeper.


First we must put this little caveat, just like your five physical senses the unique way you utilize them also applies to your subtle senses.  No one uses their subtle senses the same way you do but we are going to cover this examples in a generalized perception.  The way you actually process information from your subtle senses is very different than that of your physical senses, you are literally using different portions of your brain to receive and process the information you receive.  You are a fascinating being and capabilities are unlimited, you just need to learn how to tap into them.

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