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3 Reasons Why Coaching Has Failed You

Aug 19, 2023

Coaching cannot create healing at best it can create short term new awarenesses and ahhas but nothing that leads to lasting and true transformation and there is many concrete reasons for this.  Together let's explore the 3 top reasons that coaching has failed you.


No matter how great the can only take your clients to one level.

1.)  Questions Cannot Access The Subconscious

Everything you are and that means everything that needs to be accessed in order to create change happens within the subconsciousness.  The very nature of the subconscious means 'below one's awareness.'  This means that asking someone questions CANNOT and WILL not access the very source of what has been creating issues in your life or that of coaching clients.  NO MATTER how great your questions are......they can only be answered at ones own CONSCIOUS awareness......meaning with the SAME awareness that your client is being restricted within.   WHAT?

People come to a coaching session with a certain degree or level of consciousness....awareness....correct?  That means they can only answer questions at that same level.....they DO NOT have access to a different perspective.  Now a questions may have then see momentarily AROUND a certain perspective but it's NOT ENOUGH To create actual change.  Meaning the person will notice and feel a slight and highly temporary shift in their own awareness BUT they move no further because nothing really has happened to create any change.


2.)  Coaching Uses WILL POWER

This is one of the main reasons why coaching fails time and time  relies on using the clients WILL POWER.  So, what exactly is WILL POWER?  It is the degree and ability in which someone can direct their own thoughts, feelings, choices and decisions.  Simple enough....right?  In coaching one gets identified NEW actions or ways of being to create change....right?  Here's an example:  you want to lose 10lbs well let's create some new ways you need to think, feel and do around your own habits..... to create the change you want......lose 10lbs...... Great!  

So WILL POWER needs you to exert and direct new POWER over your thoughts.  Your roughly have around 8000 of these bad boys each day.....that means you need to start becoming more AWARE and direct and change these thoughts daily.  So let's say in your coaching session you determined you need to watch your thoughts and change your thoughts around how you perceive food.

It takes roughly 30 days to change 1 habit that means you need to exert WILL POWER everyday for this duration to create any level of's the fact...most people can only do this for 12-14 days before WILL POWER fatigue steps in and the default habit takes over.  There are so many reasons for this but we will explore this in another post.


3.)  Coaching NEVER Gets To The Source

If you are looking for actual deep healing and or transformation......classic coaching will not get your there.  I want you to know this and read's not's the coaching industry.  You lack ability to get results hasn't been because you didn't try hard enough or want change's just the very nature of Coaching.  If you are a Coach and reading never was just followed what you were taught and what you were told.  Let's just take a deep breathe together and let this deep unknown tension within let was never you!


It is a known fact that all healing happens and the subconscious level.....and coaching never takes you there....end of story.  Talking and being asked questions, will never lead you to the source of what is creating the issue within your life.  

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